Okta provides users with the ability to set or reset their own passwords. If you have trouble please contact the NMH Service Desk.
- Access Okta by visiting: https://nmhschool.okta.com
- Click on the "Need help signing in?" -> "Forgot or Set Password"
- Enter your NMH Email Address
- You can choose one of two password reset methods (if you are setting your initial NMH Okta password, you must use email.)
Set or reset your password via email
Note: You need to have access to your secondary email account to complete these steps.
- Click on the "Reset via Email" button.
- A message will appear, indicating that a message has been sent to your NMH email address. A message is also sent to your secondary email address.
- Check your secondary email account. An email should arrive that will include a link to reset your password. Click on the link.
- After clicking the link, you will be prompted to enter and confirm a new password. Pay close attention to the password complexity requirements.
- You can then sign in with your new password.
Set or reset your password via text
Note: You will need to have access to your mobile phone to complete these steps.
- Click on the "Reset via SMS" button.
- A verification code will be sent to your mobile phone.
- Enter the verification code from your mobile phone into the window open on your computer, then click the Next button
- Upon successfully entering your verification code, you will be prompted to provide the answer to the Forgotten Password Challenge question you provided during your initial setup. Provide the answer and click Reset Password.
- After successfully answering the verification question, enter a new password, two times, and then click on the Reset Password button.
- After successfully resetting your password, you will be returned to the main Okta page.
Click below for a quick visual tutorial:
![Click to View Full Image Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)](https://nmhschool.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=5cfa4d8f-a0f6-4e35-a568-0a03d0c79660-thumb.jpg&beidInt=32)