There are several ways to access the NMH IT Service Desk.
We are accessible by phone at extension 3777 (413-498-3777, if dialing off campus), and via email at However, the most direct way is through the Service Desk web portal. There you can either browse the Knowledge Base categories for articles related to your technology issue, or you can request direct assistance with your technology problem through the Service Desk's Services section by using the Request Service button to the right of the Service Description:
After clicking the Request Service button a new window will open to create your service ticket. The ticket already knows who you are and what type of help you are looking for, so you can write out a quick description of your problem, attach any necessary files, and hit Request.
For more generalized queries, you can use the "Open an IT Ticket" button on the front page of the Hub (which can be accessed through your Okta dashboard).
With either method, your ticket will be instantly added to the NMH IT work queue and you will be contacted by a member of NMH IT when work on your ticket has begun.