Departing Students Start Here


  • Your NMH account will be disabled two weeks after commencement, June 3, 2024.
  • After June 3th you will have no access to Gmail, Drive or any associated accounts.
  • You must OPT-IN to have your email forwarded for 90 days.


  1. Download your final report card and unofficial transcript. After the cut off you must request this information from the registrar.
  2. Forward your email for 90 days, if you wish. Just fill out this form, Student E-Mail Forwarding.
    1. HINT: Do this right now, it is very short.
  3. Change the email address associated with any online services or subscriptions that use
    1. Hint: Start this early. It is easy to forget some if you rush and do it last minute.
  4. Decide what content you want to keep then download or transfer it to a different account.
  • Google Drive
    • If you want to keep everything from NMH Google use Google Transfer to send your stuff to a new Google account.
    • If you want to move your content to a non Google account download your stuff using Google Takeout.
    • If you have lots of things to keep, make a folder in your NMH Google Drive and move anything you want to keep to that folder. Use Google Transfer or Google Takeout when you are done.
    • If you only want 1 or 2 things, share the documents with a personal Google account THEN MAKE A NEW COPY of the document in the personal account. (Sharing alone will not work. You must make a new copy.)
  • Other Digital Tools
    • Download content from other school tools such as
      • Adobe Cloud
      • WeVideo
      • Canvas
      • Canva
      • Audacity (via nmh email)
      • digital textbooks
      • and more...

Important Tech Info for Departing Students
GMail Forwarding Form, Spring 2024 YOU MUST OPT-IN!



Live or in-person...
NMH IT Service Desk, lower level of Beveridge Hall
Hours 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday-Friday
Call during business hours 413-498-3777

Request help at the NMH IT Service Portal


Seniors, Graduation, Losing Account Access