Okta: Overview

Okta is the NMH single sign-on tool. Okta allows all @nmhschool.org users to have a single username and password for nearly all of NMH’s technology resources. Once you receive your NMH username you will be able to access Okta. 

Important links:

Important Information:

  • Your Okta password will expire every 90 days. You will be prompted to create a new one.
  • If you cannot login to a system via Okta always use "sign-in with Google" and choose your @nmhschool.org address. Do not type in your NMH address and Okta password anywhere but Okta or Google.
  • NMH employees will be prompted to use Duo multi factor authentication to log into Okta

Helpful Tips:



Article ID: 8449
Sun 8/14/22 6:57 PM
Thu 6/15/23 12:44 PM